Shrimp Salpicão Recipe

The shrimp sausage is a perfect appetizer for Easter lunch or even for Good Friday. It's very simple to prepare and promises to please everyone! Try this quick and easy suggestion from Specialfood and prepare a wonderful shrimp sausage, checking the next step by step.

Ingredients for making shrimp sausage:

 500 grams of shrimp fillet

 250 grams of potato straw

 2 pieces of grated carrots

 200 grams of chopped beak pepper

 150 grams of sliced ​​green olives

 5 chopped garlic cloves

 1 drizzle of virgin olive oil

 Green onion to taste

 salt to taste

How to make shrimp sausage:

To prepare a delicious shrimp sausage, start by washing the shrimp fillet in the drying rack. Allow the water to drain and, if necessary, place the shrimp on a cloth to dry thoroughly. Wash and grate the carrots and set aside.

Tip: Season the shrimp with fine herbs of your choice.

Heat the oil in a skillet or wok. Add the garlic and, as soon as it starts to brown, add the shrimp. Sauté in garlic oil for 3-5 minutes (until they turn pink) and season with salt.

Place the olives, chopped chili pepper, crushed chives and grated carrots in a bowl and mix together. Add the shrimp and half the potato chips. Drizzle with a drizzle of oil and, if necessary, correct the salt. Decorate with the rest of the potato straw around it.

Your shrimp sausage is ready to serve! Serve as an aperitif for a wonderful Easter lunch.

If you're a fan of sausage, check out how to prepare chicken sausage with cream and sausage with ham.

Leave your comment or question and enjoy with your loved ones!

If you liked the Shrimp Salpicão recipe, we suggest you enter our Salpicão Recipes category. You can also visit a list of the best Brazilian recipes. You may be interested to read about the peruvian rooster broth recipe/ peruvian baked rooster recipe/ peruvian squash locro recipe/ hen aguadito recipe/ roasted corn recipe.


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